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Mike Leek is an enthusiastic person who loves nature, traveling, and gardening. He is a freelancing writer and writes various articles for the 'How To Innovative' website.


Portable Indoor Garden - 3 Easy Approaches for Plant Beginners

Gardening & Plant Care

Portable Indoor Garden: 3 Easy Approaches for Plant Beginners

Mike Leake

The space to grow is often a great limitation, especially for indoor gardens. Either because we do not have a ...

10 Best Air Purifying Plants for Apartments Plants for Improving Indoor Air Quality

Gardening & Plant Care

10 Best Air Purifying Plants for Apartments: Plants for Improving Indoor Air Quality

Mike Leake

The ever-expanding urbanized living atmosphere of today has so greatly minimized nature within our homes. Unfortunately, the synthetic building and ...

How to Pick a Mango How to Pick a Ripe Mango at the Store

Gardening & Plant Care

How to Pick a Mango | How to Pick a Ripe Mango at the Store (7 Tips)

Mike Leake

Mango – just hearing the name of this delicious fruit makes your mouth water. It’s hard to find anyone who doesn’t ...

How to Pick the Perfect Sweet Watermelon 7 Simple Tips

Gardening & Plant Care

How to Pick the Perfect Sweet Watermelon: 7 Simple Tips

Mike Leake

Have you ever bought a watermelon only to find out it’s bland and tasteless? You’re not alone. Picking the perfect ...

How to Grow Potatoes in a Bucket [5-Gallon] A Step-by-Step Guide

Gardening & Plant Care

How to Grow Potatoes in a Bucket [5-Gallon]: A Step-by-Step Guide (11 Steps)

Mike Leake

Growing potatoes in a large container is a fun and rewarding experience, and it’s even possible to do it in ...