How to Fold Towels Like a Pro: 6 Different Ways

Learning how to fold Towels properly is a basic but really useful skill that can improve your daily life. When you fold your towels neatly, your bathroom looks more organized, you save space, and your towels don’t get wrinkled. Here, I’ll cover the basics of towel folding and share some handy techniques to make it quicker and easier.

Folding Bath Towels: Challenges

Do you ever feel like your linen closet is a mess? Towels tossed in every direction, making it impossible to find the one you need? Or maybe you have guests coming over, and you want everything to look neat and organized, but your towels are far from it. It’s frustrating, right? Having untidy towels can make your entire bathroom or closet look chaotic and cluttered. This might even make you feel stressed every time you open the door.

Now you need to learn the art of towel folding because you’ve probably found yourself struggling to fold a towel and getting frustrated! This is a common problem that many of us face especially when we are in a hurry or dealing with a pile of laundry. Folding towels can be frustrating, especially if you’re not sure where to start.

Some Easy Folding Towels Hacks: How to Fold Towels

The fact is folding towels is not a difficult task. You just Learn how to fold towels properly. With a few simple techniques and some practice, you can become a pro at folding towels soon. Also, folding towels can be pretty satisfying once you get the hang of it. Here are some different methods you can try:

Method 1: The Basic Fold

  • Lay the Towel Flat: Start by laying your towel flat on a clean surface. This helps to smooth out any wrinkles.
  • Fold in Thirds Lengthwise: Take one long side of the towel and fold it towards the center. Then, take the other long side and fold it over the first side, so the towel is now a long, narrow rectangle.
  • Fold in Half: Fold the towel in half so that the two short ends meet.
  • Fold in Half Again: Finally, fold the towel in half once more. You now have a compact, neatly folded towel that’s easy to stack.
How to Fold Towels Like a Pro 6 Different Ways - The Basic Fold

Method 2: The Hotel Towel Fold

How to fold towels like a hotel:

  • Lay the Towel Flat: Just like the basic fold, start with a flat towel.
  • Fold in Thirds Widthwise: Take one short end and fold it towards the center. Then, take the other short end and fold it over the first end.
  • Fold in Half: Fold the towel in half so that the two folded edges meet.
  • Roll It Up: Instead of folding it again, roll the towel from one end to the other. This gives it a nice, professional look, just like in hotels.
How to Fold Towels Like a Pro 6 Different Ways - The Hotel Fold

Method 3: The Spa Towel Roll Fold

  • Lay the Towel Flat: Again, start with the towel flat.
  • Fold the Bottom Corner: Take one corner from the bottom and fold it diagonally up towards the opposite side, creating a triangle.
  • Fold the half lengthwise: Next, fold the towel in half along its length.
  • Flip and Roll: Flip the towel over so the triangle flap is on the bottom. Start rolling tightly from one short end(rectangle end) to the other(triangle end).
  • Tuck in the Flap: Once rolled, tuck the triangle flap into the roll to secure it. This creates a snug, attractive roll that looks great on shelves.
How to Fold Towels Like a Pro 6 Different Ways - The Spa Roll

Method 4: The Tri-Fold Method

  • Lay the Towel Flat: Start with a flat towel.
  • Fold in Thirds Lengthwise: Fold the towel into thirds along its length.
  • Fold in Thirds Again: Fold the towel into thirds along its width.
  • Stack: This method makes the towels very compact and perfect for stacking neatly.
How to Fold Towels Like a Pro 6 Different Ways - The Tri-Fold Method

Method 5: The KonMari Folding Towels Method

  • Lay the Towel Flat: As always, start with the towel flat on a surface.
  • Fold in Thirds Lengthwise: Again fold the towel into thirds along its length.
  • Fold in Half: Fold it in half widthwise, but leave a small gap at the head so that the two ends don’t meet each other.
  • Fold in Half Again: Fold the rectangle in half once more, making sure the small gap stays at the bottom.
  • Final half fold: Finally, fold it all the way in half so that the edges line up perfectly. This will make a small, compact square that can stand on its own.
How to Fold Towels Like a Pro 6 Different Ways - The KonMari Method

Method 6: The Triangle

  • Fold in Half: Lay your towel flat and fold it in half widthwise.
  • Create a Triangle: Take the bottom left corner and bring it to the top, forming a triangle.
  • Overlap the Sides: Fold the left and right sides toward the center, overlapping them.
  • Roll It Up: Flip the towel over and with a firm grip, roll the towel tightly. Tuck the last piece into the closest pocket.
How to Fold Towels Like a Pro 6 Different Ways - The Triangle
KonMari Method How to Fold Bath Towels by ASAKO

Additional Tips

So you know some of the basic methods. Here are some additional techniques to help you fold towels like a pro:

  • Use a towel rack: If you have a towel rack, use it to help you fold your towels. The bars on the rack can help you keep the towel in place as you fold it.
  • Use a towel clip: If you don’t have a towel rack, you can use a towel clip to fold your towels. The clip helps keep the towel in place while you fold it.
  • Fold towels as you go: To make folding towels easier, try folding them as you go. This means folding each towel immediately after you take it out of the dryer before it has a chance to wrinkle.
  • Use a towel folding board: If you’re really struggling to fold towels, consider using a towel folding board. These boards have guides and bars that help you fold the towel a specific way. This makes it easy to create a neat, rectangular shape.


Folding towels might not be super fun, but with these easy tips and a bit of practice, you can get really good at it. You’ll not only keep your bathroom neat, but you’ll also save space and keep your towels from getting wrinkled.

You can now pick any method that fits your style and space the best. Whether you prefer the simple Basic Fold, the luxurious Hotel Fold, the stylish Spa Roll, the compact Tri-Fold, or the neat KonMari Method, each technique will help you keep your towels tidy and your home looking great.

So, next time you have a bunch of laundry to do, remember that folding towels is simpler than it seems. It’s a handy skill that can really help out with your everyday chores.

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Linda Charles is a freelance writer who enjoys writing for women's lifestyle publications across art, culture, and beauty. She has a passion for a minimalist aesthetic, blending mid-century and modern home furnishings, and combining unique vintage finds with more contemporary pieces.

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